Monday, March 30, 2009

Internet presence

People say "if you are not on the net you do not exist". I happen to think that nowadays this is true. Everyone is surfing and whenever we need any kind of information our first instinct is to search on the Internet. So having a pleasing web site is an important thing for every business and especially a hospitality business, when so much booking is done online.
So your web presence have at least 3 key components to it.
a. Developing a web-site
b. Adding a booking engine.
c. Advertising on the Internet.
Each one of this components is, in my opinion, crucial. All are also costly so you need to give it some thought.
Developing a web-site. When we bought the motel it had a web-site. The web-site was and still is hosted by a professional company. However pretty early we realized that we need more control over it. We need to be able to add things or take them away and make it live. So this winter we purchased a software and design the web-site from the start. It is now completely "ours". We gave it a different look, add information that was not there but most of all we can now, with ease, change it every time that we want and it takes minutes.
I can already see the change when I look at our tracking information. Yes, we also are paying to belong to a tracking system that tells us how many people visit our site and where they are coming from. The main change is that people seem to stay more in the site, visit more pages and respond better to new information like specials. Again, money invested is showing results even if indirectly. Designing a web-site is not difficult if you have a software that is user friendly. Deciding how to design, what kind of look to give your web-site, that is challenging. We were lucky to have the original site that we liked and we kept parts of it. Things like color scheme, graphics etc' require a lot of time and planning. The wording of course are not less challenging. What to say and how much. I believe that a picture is worth a thousand words... so whenever I can, I will use more pictures and less words. We kept few rules all through the site.
1. Like I said less words more pictures/ graphics.
2. A constant color and style all through the site.
3. A navigation bar that lets you navigate with ease between the pages.
4. 90% of the information that is important to us is on the first page.
5. We have a side navigation bar that shows on each page and lets you go to the booking engine.
Again the main assumption that we kept in mind is that people do not want to spend a lot of time reading and they are generally looking to get the info as fast as possible. So they need to see the most important things within the first few seconds otherwise they will get bored and leave.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Little things means a lot.

Little things go a long way. Investing in your guests means paying attention to many seemingly small things. I spend a lot of time on lets see...soaps for example. What kind of soap to put in the rooms that will look nice, smell nice and give an impression of an somewhat upscale place. Towels are another example. I like big bath towels and so I purchased for the motel the biggest that I could find. Breakfast was another investment that we did. Even though it means more money we are continuously updating what we give our guests. Adding more items. We realized how important breakfast is and how it gives the guests a sense of added value. We added tables to the breakfast room and opened it all through the winter which meant heating it even if there are only handful of guests.
All these things means more money that needs to be spend. It is especially tricky because this is the sort of investment that you cannot actually see the direct return and you have to believe that every happy guest brings another or better yet comes back.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Word of mouth

All the money in the world will not help you if you turn unhappy customers who will than tell others about you. So, in other words your best advertisement is your gusts. What it means is that when you invest in your guests you are investing in this kind of advertisement - word to mouth.
It is hard to measure how much business this gets your way but here are some examples. Return customers speak volumes of how well you did. They are the backbone of a small motel especially when times are bad. Your return customers and other content guests send other guests your way. The best story that I can recall are two people who stopped by one afternoon to book a room. They told us that they spoke with some people that they never met before in a rest stop, on the side of the road and when they told them where they are heading these people recommended us.
Guests who come for one night and stay for two or three are our favorites. They step out of the road just because and the next morning they will come and express how satisfied they are and ask to extend their stay. Next year some of them will call ahead and got yourself another returning customer.
With the Internet evaluating and reviewing hospitality facilities by their customers became more and more prevalent. The biggest and most trusted is Trip advisor. Very few people now days will pick a place to sleep, or dine, without looking at the reviews. Make sure that your customers write about their stay. I can't even count the people who booked a room after telling us that they read about us in Trip advisor and liking what they read.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Avertise...!! advertise...advertise ?

If you do not advertise than no one will know about your business. If you advertise too much you will have no money to run your business. So somewhere in the middle, as with so many other things, lies the truth.
You need to advertise but you need to pick and choose.
We get few advertisement suggestions almost every day. At the beginning we spoke with every one. We thought and thought. In time we learned to sift through then and decide what important and practical for us. We learned what advertisement costs make sense and which are way over the top. We learned to ask questions and evaluate. But most of all we learned to say "NO". As a rule we advertise where we think that we have at least one of two things; large exposure, and a target group. The large exposure comes usually from the Internet (on our web presence in the coming post) search engines, online booking agents, hospitality sites, chamber of commerce and the AAA/AARP. We show on all of them. Some approached us and some we reached out for.
The target groups are special interest groups that we believe will find interest in our type of hospitality and location and thus we approach them and ask to be included in their advertisement.
Examples are, bikers, religious groups, traveling with pets etc'
We test the results for a period of time and either continue or cancel our advertisement. Just make sure that you understand what you are paying for before you enter into a contract that will cost you a lot of money. Money that you can invest in the motel.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cannot please everyone, all the time.

You can try, but it is impossible. Some people are very hard to please. It has nothing to do with you. It is them, most of the time.
It might come up as a legitimate complain, but once you start talking to them, or if they stay for more than a night you will realize that this is how they treat most of the things in their world.
It can come in many different ways. "The room is fine but....the smell, the noise, the shower curtain, the color of the floor....Don't get me wrong, we treat each remark with the utmost seriousness. We check it up, think about it. Many times even make some changes if it make sense and it is practical. We actually ask people to tell us if everything is OK. Being a guest you see things in a different way so it is very helpful when people tell us what they think. I am also not talking about all those people who are very grumpy at check-in time as we realize that many times they are just tired and the next morning they will be different and relaxed. No, it those people that no matter what you do or say will remain unsatisfied. We learn to tone it down, keep smiling, and wait for them to leave.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our gustes

They come in all shapes...and honestly we feel really lucky because most of them are very nice. They are happy to be here and looking forward to a nice vacation. We are happy to have them here and are trying our best to make them feel welcomed.
We love this area, there are many things to do here. We enjoy sharing what we know with our guests. Giving out maps and guide books, telling them where to go and where to eat.
When we chose this motel in this location this was what we had in mind. We did not want to be just a road motel where you stop for a night. We wanted to be in a place that people come to for vacation and possibly stay more than one night. Some come a year after year and they feel almost like a family.
Of course the interesting stories are about the guests that are different, demanding, sometimes annoying, those who make you question your decision to run a motel in the first place. I will give them their share in the coming blogs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Those winter days....

It starts with a sigh of relief. Finally we do not have to get up early. I love the slow mornings. We have time for a leisurely cup of coffee, reading the paper, surf on the computer. The rest of the day is usually devoted to ...SNOW. It is amazing how much time snow can take. Shoveling, than waiting for the plow to come, than shoveling again the snow that he pushed in front of the rooms. Than the roof. Shoveling a pathway to the fire wood in the back. Shoveling a pathway to the generator and around it. Shoveling a path to the gas tanks.
Some paper work, bills, reservations,
Is it going to snow again tomorrow?

Those summer days

So here is a sample of a typical summer day.
6:30 am - wake up.
6:45 am - 7:30 get breakfast ready for the guests.
7:30 am - open the doors.
7:30am - 9:30 breakfast. Have to make sure that there is enough of everything, talk to the guests. Give maps and directions. Suggest activities.
9:30 am - 11:00 clean up and entertain the late to the stuff and give info as to what needs to be done.
11:00 am -11:30 eat breakfast and plan the day.
11:30 am -2:00pm unless there is something special that need to be done, routine maintenance in buildings, rooms, lawn. Also taking reservations and talking to people on the phone.
2:00 pm - 3:30/4:00 lunch and trying to rest.
4:00pm - 10:30 - mostly check in time, making sure that guests will get a pleasant reception and answers to their questions, more phone calls, some routine issues; light bulbs, extra blankets, remotes that refuse to work etc'
While all these is going on we try to check supplies and reorder, finish some laundry that was not done, check the rooms to make sure that they are clean and ready, pay bills, do some food shopping for the next day breakfast.
11:00 pm -11:30 bed time.