Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Google it!

Booking engines... PMS...GDS...

Monday, March 30, 2009
Internet presence

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Little things means a lot.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Word of mouth

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Avertise...!! advertise...advertise ?

Friday, March 6, 2009
Cannot please everyone, all the time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Our gustes

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Those winter days....

Those summer days

Thursday, February 26, 2009
The first days as motel ownwers

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Is this the one?

Friday, February 20, 2009
Ups and Downs

Searching for the right place.

Monday, February 16, 2009
On the search

When we started all we had was that vague idea that we would like to purchase a hospitality property, live there and run it. We were looking for a change. Not just the one coming from a different job or a new place to live. We were looking for a more profound change. We thought that this is the road to take.
Other than that we had no prior experience of running a motel or what does it take to buy one.
So like every other journey this one started with gathering information.
Reading...that is usually my part. Talking to real estate agents especially the ones that were nice enough to share some of their experience in this field. Sea ch engines that deal with commercial properties sometimes have also some general information.
Probably one of the best advice came from one of the real estate agents that we spoke with who made us understand the difference, very important, between purchasing a hospitality property as a hobby, or part time job, versus purchasing one as a full time livelihood.
The key has a lot to do with size. We understood pretty early in the process that to make it a livelihood we will have to go with at least 10 -11 units/rooms. So in that way we could narrow the search and this is also why very early in the process we ruled out B&Bs as most of them are small or extremly expensive.
So we decided to look for a small motel 15-25 rooms. And that how we srarted the search.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More about income.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Income part a.

We did a lot of research trying to understand the relationship between - asking price and declared income. While many sellers will justify the asking price by giving you a list of all the things that they did to improve the property, the bottom line is - can this motel/B&B/ campground actually generate enough income to make it worthwhile for you.
This point cannot be stressed enough.
For all of you who are not coming from the financial world here it is in simple terms.
The Gross income (from rental, vending machines, gift shop etc') - Expenses = Net Income
This figure should be enough to support your mortgage and any other personal expenses.
If it does not...walk away. This property will not work for you.
Does it have a future scenario? well than you will have to decide if the future will put bread on your table.
We found few more ways to look at the numbers.
In general - asking price should not exceed 4 times the gross income.
Also- watch for those expenses. They should not exceed 50% of the gross income.
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009
Type, location, income.
What type...
A B&B is a very special kind of hospitality. If owning a lodging facility is a 24 hour commitment, this one seemed to us as 48 hr one!!!
I was leery of the need to do so much of the work myself, which is often the case in B&Bs. Cleaning the rooms, making breakfast, being on call at all times

it seemed to us that the only way to generate income will be to have very high rates which will bring very demanding guests. Most B&Bs that we visited had a small restaurant and made more income this way. We did not want to do that.
For awhile we considered a campground. Less room cleaning. A summer crowd. A winter time off . They are usually sitting on a lot of land and a swimming pool or a lake. This seemed very promising.
We looked for a long time, we looked all over the U.S and could not locate even one that the cash flaw made any sense at all. This one is still a mystery to me.
So, we finally decided what we want is a small motel.
15-25 rooms. Some land. Good visibility but not right on a busy road. Some staff to help in the busy season. And in an area where the guests are tourists. We wanted to work with people who come for vacation and thus in a good mood and eager to learn about the area and its' attractions.
Mind you, it took us 2 years of soul searching, Internet searching and physical searching to come to this point.
Still searching
Also, you live in the house and there is very little privacy.
And last but not least, the money issue.
If this is your house and has been for years and now you want to convert it, that is entirely different. But purchasing a B&B that someone else built is usually an expensive deal. You pay a lot for what the owners did. Your income however is depending in most cases on very few rooms.
Remember, this is a business and as such needs to pay for all the expenses, mortgage, your living expenses and still generate some income...
In our search we encounters very few B&Bs that had such cash flow.
In most cases the house was in the family for a long time or the owners, one or two of them worked elsewhere to generate more income.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Three main things...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How to start.

Buying a motel....actually we had no idea where to start.
We were not even sure what kind of motel we want. For awhile we were toying with several ideas. A B&B due to my love to old buildings. or maybe a campground, where we can work over the summer and than recall our old life over the winter. Where to look? We were living in Maine, should we stay in Maine? should we search elsewhere?. How to locate properties for sale and how to determins which one is viable one?
Definetly more questions than answers.
We spend hours...days, trying to get some answers. Realizing that the correct answers are crucial to an effective search. Talking to real estate agents, searching the internet. but mostly talking to one another. I know now that buying a motel or any other hospitaliy property for this matter, is a long process. Unless you are strictly an investor with spare money, you want to be careful and choose the right one for you.
It took us TWO years of hard work and I understand now that this is normal.
Monday, January 26, 2009
When did it all began